26 March 2009

Back Active and Rambling Off Topic

It's been a while since I've posted so much, or for that matter paid any real attention to this blog at all. Yesterday I "woke up" my "Story Blog", changed the blog template and changed over to a Blog Roll instead of links. I think I like it a lot now being that it is sorted by most recent update.

Yeah I know I could use iGoogle or one of those many desktop home pages or Readers... but for an ol' DOS guy like myself I just can't get into those things. Probably some subconscious thing that reminds me of Sidekick.

Image from http://www.vintage-computer.com/

You see back in the DOS 2.x or 3.x days you had to do everything you could to preserve every last bit of available memory you could. If things like files=20, buffers=20 stir a memory you know what I mean. Sidekick was this nifty program that gave you all sorts of desktop gadgets that were really neat but they were TSRs (Terminate and Stay Residents) in other words once they took a chunk of your precious memory they would not completely unload without rebooting the PC, which also made them PITAs and we all know what they are.

Well with these desktop thingys I start thinking about cookies and tracking cookies and the like and well damn it I like browsing with a bit of privacy but I suppose that's something of a moving target. I dunno, I wonder if I add say a nifty free Joke of The Day... will I be the 1 billionth person to do so and now a bunch of people sitting in a boardroom somewhere decide "That's it People, it's time to take JOTD public, were announcing an IPO". In other words what if I'm the guy that incites the next "Tech Bubble" and another blow to the economy.

So, I look at my resistance to using all those desktop thingy's as being a sacrifice to help protect and preserve what's left of the economy if not mankind itself, as we know it today.


  1. I'm with you there...lol. I'm resisting the desktop thingy's too...lol!

  2. Good Girl Princess...

    We will maintain the good fight for the betterment of mankind !!!

  3. Oh gosh, Franklin Computers, $tringer... thanks, Cleo
