Sharon had anticipated that Peter wouldn’t be in a very good mood when he saw the wrong garage doors. She had been the one who was home when the contractor had stopped by for the last change order. She had been the one to tell the contractor of their choice and she had been the one to sign the contract. She was sure that she had shown the contractor the right ones, the less expensive ones that Peter had decided were the only ones that they could afford. Somehow foolishly, she must have specified the wrong ones.
The decision had to be made, the contractor had to place the order and they had not yet come to an agreement as to which doors they would order. Sharon wanted the doors that they both agreed were better looking but Peter was adamant that they were just too expensive. After days of looking at the catalogs and no mutual decision having been reached, Peter made it clear that they would have to settle for the less expensive doors. There had to be a limit to the costs, and the garage doors were the best place to cut back.
Having to be away for the past three days while so much work was being done to the house had bothered Peter. Not that he didn’t trust Sharon to mind the nest while he was away, but she certainly wasn’t as likely to notice a problem with the construction as he would. For as much as Peter was looking forward to seeing the new renovations to the house, he wasn’t sure why Sharon sounded less than pleased when they talked on the phone. When the headlights illuminated the garage doors Peter began to fume as he saw why. Peter certainly liked the look of the new garage doors, he was sure that ultimately they would enhance the curb appeal of the house but they were wrong, it had been one of the few things that they had disagreed over.
Sharon wasn’t really very anxious for Peter to get home, at least not yet. She knew there would be issues and she knew how those issues would be dealt with. The worst part was she just couldn’t understand how she could have managed to have made such a mistake. She wondered why if she was going to make a mistake it hadn’t been on one of the color choices, he certainly would never notice something like that. Well, the best she could do now was to try to lessen the tension, she needed time to devise a plan of defense. Before leaving the bedroom, she saw here full figure in the mirror and thought to herself… "Sorry Ms. Ass, little Ms. Brain managed to arrange something nasty for you". Somewhat almost amused she chuckled and walked from the room knowing the immediate future was cast and soon coming to fruition. She wondered if it would better if she met Peter at the door with a drink wearing only a smile. Too late, the door opened and she saw that look on his face and the anticipation of the evenings inevitable events made her want to run and hide. Not that she could hide, or that it would do anything but make matters worse .
Once again Peter had managed to totally surprise her, not that long ago she had thought that he would never be able to spank her at all, let alone do such a thorough job of it. Staring at the wall was something that she really didn’t like. She knew when she went back over his knee for the finale the sting would be even worse. The scolding and lecture however were the first to bring down her wall of resistance, she hated it, yet it did make it easier to accept the actual spanking and the sooner that happened the sooner she would feel his embrace and cherish his forgiveness. Tearfully, she wanted to make it clear, and she was sure that he did understand that it had been a mistake and not deliberate disobedience.
Embraced in his strong wonderful arms she cherished his aftercare, it simply and inexplicably made the whole painful experience worthwhile. Neither of them budged to pick up the phone, but as they heard the message monitor a hurt look descended on Peter’s face. It was the contractor, he had found out that the distributor did indeed ship the wrong doors and he was offering to split the cost difference. Sharon saw the pain in his eyes as he realized he had just needlessly punished the woman that he loves. Sharon in a quiet content voice said "That’s ok honey, it can’t always be fair. Besides, I’m sure that there’s probably something else that I deserved a spanking for".